2016 Heavy Hitters Pride Meet N Greet
The inaugural Winter Explosion event is “A Celebration of Self Expression) being held January 17-19, 2025, in Houston, Texas. This initiative is the first of its kind in Houton, Texas to debunk the STIGMA behind Mental Health and Healthcare in the LGBTQIA Community. Over the weekend there will be a Mr. Heavy Hitters Pride pageant to celebrate the Man of Size pageantry competitor, Winter Explosion Ball that Empowers Self Expression with a layered mental health and healthcare message, A one day Stigma Stomp HTX Summit with topics ranging from Mental Health, Holistic Health, Prevention & Treatment Strategies, and ending the weekend with the Largest Plus Sized Heavy Diva Show in the Country.
Heavy Hitters Pride which is located in Houston, Texas celebrates its 10th year and 9th Pride which creates Allowing & Empowering safe non judging spaces for The Urban Man of Size. We invite you along for the amazing journey and MOVEMENT! Heavy Hitters Pride uses its primary mission of inclusion and positive representation for the Urban Man of Size, Admirer and Ally, to gather hundreds of individuals annually in the South West region of the United States. These events attract individuals to celebrate and remember the significance of PRIDE and the importance of continuing the work. Heavy Hitters Pride is a unique 4-day celebration that includes local, regional partners, sponsors and supporters.